looking yonder, June 29, 1924
looking yonder, June 29, 1924
Pamela and Rabinia, June 29, 1929
actress Iris Darbyshire, who is currently appearing in ’This Thing Called Love’ at the Apollo Theatre in London, June 29, 1929
hang in there, June 29, 1940
left – Rayma Wilson broke the world’s record for the 800 meter. Her time was 2.30 2/5 seconds (world record was 2.35 1/5 seconds). right – C Vrana of PACC […]
Boy Scouts who are attending the worlds Jamboree in Washington, DC wont have any trouble calling Mom and Pop back home, three operators working shifts of three each are on […]
last one, we promise!!! the many awesome faces of Colleen Moore, June 29, 1925 in bob we trust!