hey, what happened to your two friends?
Canton, Kansas fearsome foursome
Kansas locked up more than 5,000 women and girls for having STDs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a Kansas University fencing class with James Naismith, 1926
Victor Murdock, editor-in-chief of the Wichita Eagle newspaper, makes speech on occasion of 50th anniversary of first Salvation Army street meeting in Wichita. Bronze tablet was placed in concrete in […]
Topeka Aces following their championship win, 1928 let the madness begin!
students in Home Economics cooking class, Wichita High School North, which opened in 1929 photo by Edgar B. Smith
Hollywood girl Louise Brooks graces the August 16, 1925 cover of her howntown’s The Town Crier – the Sunday Magazine section of The Wichita Beacon HAPPY BIRTHDAY LB!!!
Fairmount Hall after a fire, Wichita University, 1929
Miss Louise Brooks, daughter of Mr and Mrs L.P. Brooks of North Topeka Avenue, is a young Wichita dancer who has displayed unusual talent. She is now enrolled in the […]