Pennsylvania Railroad travel poster for Montauk Beach, New York, circa 1928
Pennsylvania Railroad travel poster for Montauk Beach, New York, circa 1928
tobogganing in Huntington, Long Island, circa 1930
happy times in Hempstead, Long Island
Edward, Prince of Wales visits Mr Harold Irving Pratt on his Long Island estate, 1924
a white and an African American girl study a sign in the integrated Long Island community of Lakeview, New York, on April 1962. It reads ’Negroes! This community could become another ghetto. […]
having completed the waving of the upper part of Thelma Todd’s hair, Fred Graf, expert in the Paramount Long Island Studio, shows how to brush out the strands by grasping […]
the un-great gasping!!! watch the CBS Sunday Morning piece on this fuckyeah1920s: Last gasp of the Gatsby house | Jacket Copy | Los Angeles Times Slightly depressing…
http://cnettv.cnet.com/av/video/cbsnews/atlantis2/cbsnews_player_embed.swf The Great Gatsby House’s Storied Past CBS Sunday Morning’s Serena Altschul visits the house (Lands End) that inspired F. Scott Fitzgerald’s great American novel The Great Gatsby to discuss its […]