Louise Brooks after her smoke break, on the set of 1930′s Prix de Beauté (aka Beauty Prize or Miss Europe) photo by James Abbe
Louise Brooks after her smoke break, on the set of 1930′s Prix de Beauté (aka Beauty Prize or Miss Europe) photo by James Abbe
on the set of Les Aventures du Roi Pausole (The Adventures of King Pausole), Cap d’Antibes, August 1932 photo by Jacques-Henri Lartigue
No longer are chorus girls beautiful but dumb. The modern film chorine reads, studies and prepares for her screen ‘break’ as this candid camera shot illustrates on 20th Century Fox’ […]
Hazel Rogers (and Monty Westmore) styling Olivia de Havilland on the set of Gone With The Wind
Liza Minnelli rests her chin on the shoulder of director Bob Fosse, on the set of their 1972 film, Cabaret
lunch break on the set of Cecil B. DeMille’s The Ten Commandments (1923)
director Frank R. Strayer, Ruth Elder, screenwriter Linton Wells and cinematographer Edward Cronjager on the set of 1928′s Moran of the Marines
President Calvin Coolidge and First Lady Grace Coolidge visit Roman Navarro (and Dorothy Jordan?) on the set of 1930′s In Gay Madrid
Ernst Lubitsch examining dress extras for 1923′s Rosita
Baby Peggy is ready for her close-up on the set of 1924′s Such Is Life