Louise Brooks and friends, at Joe Zelli’s Royal Box nightclub in Paris, May 1929 HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOUISE!!!
Louise Brooks and friends, at Joe Zelli’s Royal Box nightclub in Paris, May 1929 HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOUISE!!!
prostitute playing snooker, Boulevard Rochechouart, Paris, circa 1932 by Brassaï (Gyula Halász)
Le Monocle, the Bar, Paris. on the Left is Lulu de Montparnasse by Brassaï (Gyula Halász), 1933
The Dolly Sisters in the revue Paris sans Voiles at the Café des Ambassadeurs, Paris, 1923 photo by James Abbe
The Quadrille in the Moulin Rouge, Paris, 1920s
Berenice Abbott at her studio on the Rue Servandoni, Paris, 1928
bon temps at the Rotunda of Montparnasse with the likes of Jules Pascin, Henri Broca, Man Ray, Lucy Krogh and Kiki de Montparnasse
The Sisters G with an unknown girl in the center, in a performance in Paris in 1927 photographed by James Abbe
British artist Mina Loy and Peggy Guggenheim in Paris
1931 print ad for Heudebert’s grilled Melba toast foods from Paris, France