Norma Talmadge on the December 1929 cover of Photoplay, with the feature story – ’The Microphone – The Terror of The Studio – You Can’t Get Away With It In Hollywood’. art by […]
Marguerite Clark, Photoplay Favorites, IV – Supplement to the North American, Sunday, February 11, 1917
Colleen Moore illustration by Livingston Geer, on the January 1926 cover of Photoplay
Constance Bennett likes what she sees, and we do too, on the March 1931 cover of Photoplay
a 1926 Baby Ruth ad from the pages of Photoplay magazine
Dorothy Mackaill on the cover of Photoplay, July 1926 who wants $5,000 in cash prizes when Dorothy’s the real prize!!
Russell Patterson illustration that either appeared in an issue of Photoplay, 1925-26 or Life, 1928-31
ad for National Pictures (they take the guesswork out of ‘going to the movies’!) in a 1928 issue of Photoplay that appears to be our beloved Colleen Moore all tooned up, even […]
ad for Neet hair removal cream, from the August, 1925 issue of Photoplay
Photoplay, October 1927