on August 2nd, 1926, Mae Greene, 18, was chosen as Miss Chicago 1926
Josephine Dunn by Clarence Sinclair Bull
Peaches and Edward Browning show off a coat fitting for land and air!
Ella Van Hueson, circa June 2, 1928. On June 4, 1928, Chicago girl Van Hueson, 22, was chosen as the most beautiful of 32 girls from various parts of the […]
Ita Rina was pretty fly
Dressed fit to fly – Anita Page, Metro-Goldywn-Mayer player, shows six correct costumes for aviation. You may wear a pair of linen trousers with brown boots and a brown leather […]
Anne Nichols, promoting her play Abie’s Irish Rose outside of the Alexander Hamilton Hotel, early 1920s
Elinor Troy, ‘the girl in the night club fishbowl,’ who assertedly was escorted the other evening by Jack Doyle, romantic Irish fighter, is shown greeting her mother, Mrs. Elsie Edmondston, […]
Alice White and Inez Courtney are plane crazy!!!!
grounded with AJ Edwards, Joseph Kreutzer, Raquel Torres, AK Peterson and Renee Torres photo by A.R. Hromatka