Happy Passover! Rachel and Yitzhak Gachtmann’s family seder, Janov, Poland
Irena Horecka (November 4, 1902 – Jan. 24, 1978) in the play The Mary Dugan at the Municipal Theatre, Łódź, Poland, 1928
Maria Dąbrowska (October 6, 1889 – May 19, 1965) and Casimir Albert Schubert in Tristan Bernard’s Cafe at the Municipal Theatre in Łódź, Poland, 1928
Polish classmates
Ball of Dramatic Authors’ Association in the Hotel Europe, Warsaw, Poland, 1929 group photo of participants of the ball. Visible include: solicitor Kuratowski (third from left in the first place), […]
Alfreda Terleckiego’s art school students observe and draw curves, Krakow, Poland, February, 1930
participants in ‘Flower Day’ for the benefit of the infirm, during Passover, Mlawa, Poland, April 4, 1925