Louise Brooks Ross Verlag postcard
Ross Verlag postcard
Madge Bellamy postcard
bobspostcards: Truus van Aalten by Truus, Bob & Jan too! Via Flickr: German postcard by Ross Verlag, no. 5774/1, 1930-1931. Photo: Atelier Tannenwald, Wiesbaden. Dutch film star Truus van Aalten […]
Sally Phipps stretches out in a Ross Verlag postcard
bobspostcards: Lotti Loder by Truus, Bob & Jan too! Via Flickr: German postcard by Ross Verlag, no. 6042/1, 1931-1932. Photo: Warner Bros. Collection: Didier Hanson. Lotti Loder (1910-1999) was a […]
Madge Bellamy Ross Verlag postcard
Lya de Putti postcard by Ross Verlag
Lien Deyers in a Ross Verlag postcard
Lya de Putti I think the text translates to – ‘bobbed hair helmets 4everrrrrrrr!!!’ acutally, according to Psychrophile… ‘Das Leben lieben und den Tod nicht scheuen.’ It’s a verse from a poem […]
Lya de Putti, Ross Verlag postcard