there’s No Limit to how much coffee Clara Bow can drink!
Popularity Contest – Portland Veterans – Celebration, Kentucky
Rachel Trachtenburg, yum
CHRISTENING A STUDIO STREET – Lois Wilson, featured player, tacks up the sign of the newly named thoroughfare, Paramount Avenue, at the United Studios, recently purchased by Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. […]
five 6th grade students who participated in Playlets in Character Education at Steck Elementary School in Denver, Colorado
posing in their swimsuits in an advertisement for Paradise Park are (left to right) Ida Lee Donaldson, unknown, Susie Long, Alma Jacobs, Patricia Bright, and Ernestine Stevenson, 1950
who’s ready for a chicken best dinner????
that’s what she said
Marmon car & show girls at Gables Club – India Tires, Southern California, 1926 by Dick Whittington Studio
C.C.C. Hike, May 6, 1928