winter visit to Mount Hector, New Zealand, August 4-5, 1928
Reed College students, from left to right, are an unidentified male, Margaret Wakefield Tator ‘34, unidentified snowman, Margaret Hickey Ryan ’35, and Karl Aschenbrenner ’34, 1933
have you hugged your snowman lately?
building a ‘snow’man for ‘Christmas Outdoors’, promoted by the L.A. Chamber of Commerce, Pasadena, December 20, 1929
co-eds at Maryland State University get frosty with a snowman, February 8, 1923 stay warm everyone!!!
Fritzi Ridgeway and her cold companion, April 2, 1924
snowman and woman, undated more snowmen!
almost ready to say goodbye to 1911 2011!!!
on muggy days like today, we sure wish we were stranded in Snowman’s Land! Enoch Bolles‘ cover art for Issue #127 of Film Fun, February 1926