Spencer Tracy and Sally Eilers take things slow in 1931′s Quick Millions
Spencer Tracy
Me (Spencer Tracy) and My Gal (Joan Bennett), 1932
Spencer Tracy and Colleen Moore keep things close in 1933′s The Power and the Glory
Spencer Tracy manners the beside of Colleen Moore in 1933′s The Power and the Glory
sudden moves for Spencer Tracy and Sally Eilers in 1931′s Quick Millions
Spencer Tracy, Mrs Arthur Loew (Mildred Zukor Loew?) and Louis B Mayer at the 1938 (11th) Academy Awards banquet
Fox’s Personalities That Produce Profits
evening stories with Colleen Moore and Spencer Tracy, in 1933‘s The Power and the Glory
for their upcoming 1934-35 season, MGM held a convention in Chicago for distributors and executives (documented in a short film MGM’s March On In 1934-35) and to commemorate the event […]
Colleen Moore and Spencer Tracy attend the Polo match at the Riviera Polo Grounds here. Many film stars and studio notables were on hand for the match, April 12, 1933