tea timecaptured by J.D. Toloff of Evanston, Illinois
tea time
five friends take a tea break during a camping holiday at Upshire in Essex, July 4, 1936 photo by Alan Webb
Mrs Smith pours tea for a friend during a camping holiday in North Wales, September 4, 1931
Belle Baker, tea for one
tea time with Mae Murray
Ruth Roland (right) is all smiles about the Salada Tea Company and their fine products, 1933
New York Association for the Blind, interior, girls at tea, 1931 by Byron Company, New York, NY
Tea time in the air. Miss Wanda Wood, hostess for the Eastern Air Transport, serves tea for two – Misses Charlotte Childress and Elizabeth Hume, aboard one of the line’s […]
tea with Truus van Aalten
tea for one