University of Memphis basketball teams from 1924, 1925 and 1927
Arthur Stultz, Cynthia Moles, and Edith Brown at Wilder – 1928
daughter of migrant Tennessee coal miner, living in American River camp near Sacramento, California photo by Dorothea Lange, November, 1936
bobbed brothers Chester T & Roger D Raymo duke it out with smiles in Mount Pleasant, Tennessee, 1915
Robbins High School Faculty, Scott County, Tennessee, 1929 wish our teachers looked this fine, hairwise!
Blue Grass School group, Knox County, Tennessee, 1923 – 1924
Knoxville Free Press circulation automobile contest. taken in Emory Park, in 1927(?) and the winners are… a Buick Master Six awarded to Mrs. R.V. DePue a Oakland Landau Sedan awarded to […]
photo of the Drewery kids, in Wilder, Fentress County, Tennessee, 1930s back row left to right – Margaret and Kate Drewery, middle – Donald and Ann Drewery, front – Peggy and Joan Drewery